Blue Light Card Discount

Everyday, someone out there needs help - and people from our Emergency Services put the lives of those in need before their own. We want to thank those who keep us safe, that help and protect us every day. When it comes to beauty choices, Blue Light Card holders can benefit from 10% off on all hair extensions on orders over £100. Find your style within our inclusive range of 100% Remy human hair extension.

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What Is The Blue Light Card?
The Blue Light Card is a card that offers a series of discounts and special prices to public sector workers. The Blue Light Card is supported by a number of well-known companies such as Apple, Domino’s, Charlotte Tilbury, EE, The Body Shop and others.Members of the Blue Light community pay £4.99 to register, and get two years of access to the offers and benefits under the Blue Light scheme..The card provides over 15,000 discounts, both from large retailers and small local businesses, including holiday deals, discounts on cars, days out, fashion, gifts, insurance offers, phones, and more.
Is Blue Light Card Same As NHS?
No. The Blue Light Card is open to members of the NHS staff, however, it’s not an NHS exclusive. Any member of staff of Emergency Services, Armed Forces and working in the Public sector can apply. Check the list of eligible categories to find out if you can become a Blue Light Card holder.
How To Use Bluelight Card
If you’re eligible to apply for a Blue Light Card, you can do so by registering on their website: and provide the required proof of ID.
Who Can Get A Blue Light Card?
Staff members currently employed and paid by public service organisations and emergency services are eligible for a Blue Light Card. Here is a list of the eligible organisations and emergency services whose employees can apply to obtain a Blue Light Card. To sustain your application, proof of ID and employment are required.
List of Organisations & Emergency Services
- NHS (ID card or Payslip)- Police Service (Payslip)- Ambulance Service (ID card or Payslip)- Fire Service (ID card or Payslip)- HM Prison Service/HMPPS (ID card or Payslip)- NHS Dental Practice (Payslip)- HM Armed Forces (Payslip)- MoD Civil Servant (Payslip)- MoD Fire Service (Payslip)- MoD Police (Payslip)- Highway Traffic Officers (ID card or Payslip)- Home Office, Border Force (Payslip)- Home Office, Immigration Enforcement (Payslip)- Home Office, UK Visas and Immigration (Payslip)- Social Care, Care Company Workforce. Company must be on CQC, RQIA, Care Inspectorate Scotland or Care Inspectorate Wales (ID card or Payslip)Social Care, Social Worker – (ID card, Payslip or SWE/SCW/SSSC/NISCC number)- Social Care, Care Home (ID card or Payslip)- Social Care, Residential Care (ID card or Payslip)- Social Care, Council (Working in Care Sector) (ID card or Payslip – if these do not state job role, include a contract alongside)- Social Care, Foster Carer (ID card)- Pharmacy Workers (ID card or Payslip)