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What Are Invisible Tape Hair Extensions?

Discover the magic of invisible tape in hair extensions —the ultimate solution for achieving a flawless, natural style. But what are invisible hair extensions? These innovative extensions blend effortlessly into even the finest hair, offering volume, length, and colour with unmatched discretion. Join countless satisfied users who trust invisible tape extensions for their comfort, durability, and invisible finish. Explore the benefits and features that make these extensions the go-to choice for a natural, undetectable look. Ready to transform your hair? Let’s do it!

What Are Invisible Tape Hair Extensions?

Let’s get a bit technical: invisible tapes are, in all effects, a premium version of regular tape in hair extensions that caters to a larger audience. Featuring a polyurethane adhesive band that is discreetly hidden behind 100% Remy Royale human hair, they do categorise as permanent hair extensions. Just like regular tapes, invisible tape in extensions are applied by “sandwiching” a strand of natural hair between two invisible tape wefts. Each pack comes with a total of 50g of hair extensions, split in 20 wefts – or 10 sandwiches. Also known as: skin weft hair extensions or skin tape hair extensions, seamless tape hair extensions, and invisible weft hair extensions.

What does Remy Royale mean?

Remy Royale is the name of our double-drawn collection, a luxury selection made of hand-selected, high-quality strands. The hair in this category is treated and cuticle-aligned to be frizz-resistant and less prone to tangling, for a healthier-looking, shinier and more manageable finish. 

Why are they called Invisible?

With the hair running all the way up to tab and covering it, they stay virtually undetectable even in finer hair, becoming the ultimate solution for those that are looking to add volume and fullness in their hair long-term but don’t have time for long nano ring hair extensions appointments.

How long do Invisible tape in hair extensions last?

The average makeover lasts around 8 to 10 weeks before needing a re-fit, but the same hair can be reused for more than just one appointment. These gorgeous double-drawn tresses, in fact, have an average lifespan that ranges from 6 to 12 months – when properly taken care of! Always remember not to use oil-based products near your scalp/adhesive tabs, as they can make the hair extensions slip off earlier than expected.

How are Invisible tape hair extensions fitted?

Just like their cousins, the regular tape in hair extensions, Invisible tapes are quick and easy to fit. The average application time for a full-head makeover ranges from one hour to one hour and a half, sometimes two hours when working with particularly thick hair, or a stylist that isn't particularly experienced with this method. Either way, the fitting is quite simple: the stylist creates a thin and long section of hair (as long as the tab on the wefts), and positions it in between two Invisible tape wefts. This is what we call a "sandwich" in tape jargon! Each sandwich is made of one section of hair and two Invisible tape wefts, therefore for reference, each pack contains a total of 10 sandwiches (aka 20 wefts).

The adhesive on the tabs is strong enough to hold firmly onto the natural hair whilst being gentle.

Can you reuse invisible tape hair extensions?

Yes, of course you can. Each strand can be removed by using a specific tape hair extensions remover and reapplied by using spare adhesive tabs for hair extensions.

The Magic of Invisible Tape Hair Extensions

As mentioned previously, invisible tapes can be used to transform your hair in many different ways. Let’s see how, together!

Seamless Tape Hair Extensions For Short Hair:

If you're looking to achieve those Instagram-worthy long, flowing locks as seen on Lourdes Leon, Olivia Rodrigo, Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, and Selena Gomez, but you’re afraid people would be able to obviously tell your real hair from your extensions, hear me out: invisible tape in extensions are the solution you’ve been looking for! Being double-drawn (thick from root to tip and cuticle aligned), these tresses will seamlessly blend in your natural hair. You can use them to match your natural hair colour or mix and match to add gorgeous highlights too. Their natural thickness and fullness from root to tip helps you conceal blunt haircuts for short-to-long transformations!

Invisible Tape Hair Extensions For Thick Hair:

Even if you have lots of hair, sometimes flatness and lifeless tresses can still happen. With a flexible skin weft that hides seamlessly in your natural strands, you can get a gorgeous makeover without any bulkiness around your scalp, for the utmost natural finish. Although thick and superior in quality, each weft is lightweight and discreet. Say goodbye to dull and limp strands, and welcome newly found volume and thickness in your mane! Invisible tape hair extensions are here to bring your hair back to life with bounce and dimension, so that you can enjoy a fuller mane and try out new hairstyles and bouncy blowouts. with volume. 90s big hair, soft waves, loose curls, and sophisticated updos are now a possibility – not a dream anymore!

Skin Weft Hair Extensions For Thin Hair:

If you have fine or thin hair, getting a hair extensions makeover can be both tempting and scary. Achieving a luxurious, thick mane? A dream. Having seams and tabs popping out as soon as the wind blows in your hair? Deal breaker. Thanks to the sleek design of Invisible tape hair extensions, you can enjoy all the benefits of a tape-in makeover without having to worry about a thing. In fact, these extensions are champions of camouflage thanks to their flexible adhesive tab – covered with hair for the ultimate super-discreet finish, even in finer tresses. Finally, adhesive hair extensions you don’t need to worry about – so you can enjoy the feeling of fuller, healthier-looking hair without bulkiness.

Invisible Tape In Hair Extensions For Colour

Perhaps you’re already satisfied with your hair, but you’d love to give it a boost with extra thickness and a gorgeous balayage for the new season. Don’t worry, adding a pop of colour in your tresses – whether it’s highlights, lowlights, or crazy colours for a trendy finish – doesn’t need to involve any bleach or dye job. Invisible tapes are perfect for experimenting with different shades and highlights without damaging your tresses! 

New Product, Same Easy Application

The beauty of Invisible tape in hair extensions is not just in the super-discreet, versatile transformation they offer, but also in how effortlessly they can be applied. The average application time for a full-head invisible tape makeover is around 1/1.5 hours, meaning that you can get a fresh new hairstyle in the morning and still get to your brunch appointment in time. 

The Perfect Styling Canvas For Long Hair Enthusiasts

With an invisible tape in hair extensions makeover you are free to explore tons of new possibilities. Whether you’re curious about mermaid waves, classy low ponytails, boho-chic updos, romantic half-ups or super chic braided ‘dos, the world is your oyster with these gorgeous human hair extensions!


Invisible tape hair extensions are the ultimate solution for anyone looking to enhance their hair with versatility and ease. They offer a luxurious way to add length, volume, and thickness while allowing for creative styling options like braiding, straightening, and curling – all without the worry of damage. So, what are invisible hair extensions? They’re your secret to a flawless, natural transformation that blends seamlessly into your hair.

Ready to experience the magic for yourself? Explore our collection now for the best in invisible hair extensions!



Vanlige spørsmål

Hva er invisible tape hair extensions og hvordan fungerer de?

Usynlig tape hair extensions er den nyeste innovasjonen innen tape extensions komplett med en enda mer diskret fane. I motsetning til andre tape-inns, løper håret på usynlige tape-extensions helt til kanten av tappen, noe som gjør dem praktisk talt uoppdagelige når de påføres naturlig hår. Festet med et lim av medisinsk kvalitet er de ikke bare skånsomme, men superraske å påføre, noe som gjør dem til en av de mest populære metodene på markedet.

Hvordan installerer jeg usynlige tape-utvidelser?

For å installere usynlige tapeforlengelser, vil frisøren din begynne med å seksjonere håret og klargjøre området der du vil feste extensions. For det neste trinnet vil de forsiktig plassere et veft av forlengelsen under en del av håret ditt, og deretter bruke et annet innslag for å klemme det naturlige håret mellom de to teipbitene. Hver veft må presses fast for å sikre en sikker binding. Det er viktig å unngå å bruke extensions for nær hodebunnen for å tillate bevegelse og for å forhindre ubehag.

Hva er fordelene med å bruke usynlige tape extensions?

Fordelene ved å bruke usynlige tapeforlengelser inkludere deres naturlige utseende, enkle påføring og allsidighet. De kan styles akkurat som ditt naturlige hår, noe som gir ulike utseende uten å trekke oppmerksomhet til extensions. I tillegg er de lette og behagelige å ha på, noe som gjør dem egnet for tynt eller fint hår. Mange brukere setter også pris på at de kan legge til lengde og volum, spesielt ettersom en full tapeinngang kan oppnås på så lite som under 2 timer, i motsetning til andre utvidelsestyper som kan være mye lengre.

Hvordan tar jeg vare på usynlige tape extensions for å forlenge levetiden?

For å ta vare på usynlige tape extensions og forlenge levetiden deres, er det viktig å bruke sulfatfrie sjampoer og balsam for å unngå å ødelegge limet. Børst forsiktig extensionsene regelmessig for å unngå sammenfiltring og unngå overdreven varme når du styler. Når du vasker håret, må du være forsiktig med å rense hodebunnen og håret uten å gni utvidelsene for kraftig. Unngå i tillegg oljebaserte produkter i nærheten av tapen for å opprettholde bindingen og sikre at forlengelsene holder seg sikkert på plass.

Finnes det spesifikke stylingtips for usynlige tape extensions?

Ja, det er flere stylingtips for usynlige tape extensions for å sikre at de ser best ut. Bruk vår forlengelsesvennlige hårbørste for å løsne håret forsiktig, start fra endene og jobb deg oppover. Når du styler med varmeverktøy, bruk en varmebeskyttende spray for å skjerme både ditt naturlige hår og extensions. For oppsett eller fletter, fest stilen løst for å forhindre spenning på tapen. Til slutt, vær oppmerksom på plasseringen av avskjeden din, da dette kan bidra til å skjule båndet og forbedre det generelle naturlige utseendet.

Ser du etter feilfritt, salongverdig hår uten å tømme lommeboken? Hos Cliphair har vi det du trenger med luksuriøse clip-in extensions for raske transformasjoner og permanente hårforlengelser som tape-ins, nano ringer og vever for langvarig glam. Forlengelser krever spesiell pleie og vedlikehold.
for å bevare kvaliteten deres, og derfor har vi alle de førsteklasses fuktighetsgivende hårpleieproduktene, essensielle tilbehør og vedlikeholdsproduktene du må ha for å holde stilen din på topp.

Trenger du den perfekte nyansen? Bla gjennom vårt komplette utvalg av menneskehår-extensions i over 70 rike, silkeaktige nyanser  eller sjekk ut vår GRATIS Express Farge Match Service  for å sikre en sømløs blanding hver gang. Chat med vårt vennlige ekspertteam som vil kontakte deg med en perfekt match på mindre enn 48 timer, eller bla gjennom vår Lookbook for de nyeste hårlookene brukt av Cliphair-samfunnet. Fra umiddelbar lengde til langvarig volum, Cliphair er din go-to for hår med eksepsjonell kvalitet og uendelige muligheter! 

Authored By Brenda L.
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