Tips for Hair Extensions in Cold Weather

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Tips for Hair Extensions in Cold Weather

Winter may be the season of cosy scarves and pumpkin lattes, but it can be brutal on your hair. So, how does cold weather affect hair? Cold, dry air is notorious for stripping your locks of moisture, making hair extensions and natural strands alike prone to dryness, breakage, and frizz. If you're rocking clip-in hair extensions, Remy hair extensions, or even permanent hair extensions, you’ll need to adjust your hair care routine to maintain their luscious look through the chilly months. Here's how you can winter-proof your hair and keep it looking fabulous all season long!

Adjusting Your Hair Care Routine for Cold Weather

Increase Moisture and Hydration

Cold weather can deplete your hair’s moisture, leading to dry, brittle strands. Whether you’re wearing human hair extensions or your natural hair, upping your hydration game is key to a successful winter hair care routine. Opt for our hydrating, sulphate-free Shampoo and Conditioner that deeply moisturises and nourishes your hair. Don’t skip weekly deep conditioning treatments like our Hair Mask, especially if you’re wearing permanent extensions like nanos, tapes and wefts. Look for treatments that contain ingredients like argan oil, shea butter, or keratin to give your hair the moisture boost it needs. 

Use a Humidifier

Use a Humidifier

Believe it or not, your home’s heating system could be sabotaging your hair. Indoor heating tends to dry out the air, which can lead to parched skin and hair. A simple solution? Invest in a humidifier. By keeping moisture in the air, you help prevent your hair – especially delicate clip-in hair extensions – from becoming overly dry. Plus, it benefits your skin too, reducing the dry, itchy feeling you get in colder months.

Limit Heat Styling

We get it – sometimes heat styling feels like a necessity, but the damage it causes can be magnified during the winter. Excessive heat dries out your hair, making it more vulnerable to the effects of cold weather. Try limiting heat styling by opting for heat-free styles. For instance, braid your clip in extensions or wrap them in satin rollers overnight for gorgeous waves without the heat damage. If you must use a hot tool, always apply our Heat Protection Spray beforehand. 

Alternative Styling Tips:

  • Twist or braid damp hair for heat-free waves
  • Use foam or satin rollers overnight
  • Store clip ins in our Hanger & Carrier to reduce restyling and damage
  • Air dry clip in extensions overnight for a loose wave
  • Try braided ponytails to avoid over washing or heat styling

Protecting Your Hair from Winter Elements

Winter winds and freezing temperatures don’t just make you shiver – they can wreak havoc on your hair too. Here’s how to protect your locks, whether they’re natural or our luxury human hair extensions.

Wear a Hat or Scarf

Wear a Hat or Scarf


Don’t underestimate the power of a good hat or scarf when braving the cold! They shield your hair from harsh winds, which can lead to tangling and breakage. Opt for materials like silk or satin linings that are gentler on your hair. Wool or cotton might feel cozy, but they can cause friction, leading to breakage and frizz – something you definitely want to avoid, especially if you’re wearing clip-in hair extensions.

Avoid Wet Hair Exposure

Avoid Wet Hair Exposure

Heading out with wet hair is a recipe for disaster in cold weather. The moisture in your hair can freeze in the chilly air, causing breakage. Always dry your hair completely before stepping outside, especially if you have professional hair extensions or permanent hair extensions, as these can cause scalp irritation if not dried correctly around the bond. If you’re in a rush, consider using a microfiber towel to speed up the drying process, as it’s gentler and more absorbent than regular towels.

Use Protective Hair Products

Use Protective Hair Products

Arm your hair with a protective barrier! Leave-in conditioners, anti-frizz sprays, and protective serums are essential when it comes to learning how to protect hair from cold weather. Look for products that shield your hair from the dry air and help maintain its moisture levels. If you're wearing clip in extensions or Remy hair extensions, make sure the products you use are designed specifically for extensions, so they don’t cause buildup or damage.

Managing Static and Frizz in Winter

Cold air outside, warm air inside – it’s the perfect storm for static and frizz. But don’t worry, with the right tricks, you can keep them at bay, perfecting your autumn hair care all the way through till winter.

Use Anti-Static Products

Use Anti-Static Products

One of the downsides of colder weather is static, which makes your hair difficult to manage. The secret to keeping your hair sleek and smooth is anti-static products. These come in many forms, such as our Moisturising Silky Spray, or creams and serums. If you’re battling static in your clip-in extensions, choose a lightweight anti-static spray that won’t weigh down your hair while providing the control you need.

Avoid Over-Washing

Washing your hair too often strips it of its natural oils, which leads to dryness and, you guessed it – static. Stretch out your washes to every 2-3 days and refresh your hair in between with a dry shampoo. Clip in extensions only need to be washed every 10-12 uses to keep them healthy, unless you notice product build up or difficulty brushing. When it comes to permanent extensions, over-washing can also cause them to dry out, reducing their lifespan. Not only will this help manage static, but it will also keep your hair feeling healthier throughout the colder months. 

Opt for Natural Bristle Brushes

Did you know that the type of brush you use can make all the difference? Natural bristle brushes and those that are designed to detangle your hair in whatever condition are your winter saviour. They help distribute your scalp’s natural oils more evenly through your hair, keeping it moisturised and reducing static. However, our extension-friendly Detangling Hairbrush is just as gentle on your hair as a natural bristle brush. Designed for both wet and dry hair, our brush has anti-slip technology, and effortlessly glides through your tresses, both natural hair and extensions.


As the temperatures drop, it’s time to level up your hair care game with these essential tips. Whether you’re a clip-in hair extensions enthusiast or prefer permanent extensions, you can maintain gorgeous, healthy locks all season long by adjusting your routine to combat the effects of cold weather. From boosting hydration to shielding your strands from harsh elements, your winter hair care routine will make all the difference in protecting your locks. Stay cosy, stay stylish, and keep your hair flawless no matter the forecast!

Vanlige spørsmål

Hvordan kan jeg forhindre at håret tørker ut i kaldt vær?

For å forhindre at håret tørker ut i kaldt vær, bruk en dyp kondisjoneringsbehandling en gang i uken for å holde fuktigheten innelåst. Det er også viktig å redusere bruken av varmestylingverktøy og bytte til en fuktighetsgivende Sjampo og Balsam. Vurder å bruke en Hårmaske eller hårolje for å opprettholde fuktighet gjennom dagen.

Hva er de beste produktene å bruke til vinterhårpleie?

De beste produktene for vinterhårpleie inkluderer sulfatfrie fuktighetsgivende sjampoer, rike balsam med naturlige oljer som argan eller kokosnøtt, og dype kondisjoneringsmasker. Leave-in balsam, håroljer og serum som inneholder ingredienser som sheasmør eller jojobaolje er også effektive for å forsegle fuktighet. Se etter produkter som gir ekstra hydrering og beskyttelse mot miljøbelastninger.

Hvordan kan jeg beskytte håret mot kald vind og lave temperaturer?

For å beskytte håret mot kald vind og lave temperaturer, sørg for å bruke en stilig lue eller skjerf laget av myke stoffer som silke eller sateng for å minimere friksjonen. Påfør en leave-in balsam eller anti-frizz serum før du går utendørs for å danne en beskyttende barriere. Du kan også stikke håret inn i pelsen eller bruke det i beskyttende stiler som fletter eller boller for å minimere eksponering for elementene.

Hva skal jeg gjøre hvis håret mitt blir statisk og krusete om vinteren?

Hvis håret ditt blir statisk og krusete om vinteren, bruk en leave-in balsam, antistatisk spray eller vår egen Fuktighetsgivende silkeaktig hårspray som tjener til å holde seg på toppen av løse hår, ellers kjent som fly-aways. Å gni en liten mengde hårolje eller serum gjennom håret kan bidra til å jevne ut krus og gi glans. Å bruke en luftfukter i hjemmet kan også bidra til å tilføre fuktighet til luften, og forhindre oppbygging av statisk elektrisitet.

Hvor ofte bør jeg vaske håret i vintermånedene?

I vintermånedene er det best å redusere hyppigheten av å vaske håret til to eller tre ganger i uken. Overvasking kan fjerne hårets naturlige oljer, noe som fører til tørrhet. Bruk heller tørrsjampo mellom vaskene for å holde håret friskt uten å fjerne nødvendig fuktighet.

Ser du etter feilfritt, salongverdig hår uten å tømme lommeboken? Hos Cliphair har vi det du trenger med luksuriøse clip-in extensions for raske transformasjoner og permanente hårforlengelser som tape-ins, nano ringer og vever for langvarig glam. Forlengelser krever spesiell pleie og vedlikehold.
for å bevare kvaliteten deres, og derfor har vi alle de førsteklasses fuktighetsgivende hårpleieproduktene, essensielle tilbehør og vedlikeholdsproduktene du må ha for å holde stilen din på topp.

Trenger du den perfekte nyansen? Bla gjennom vårt komplette utvalg av menneskehår-extensions i over 70 rike, silkeaktige nyanser  eller sjekk ut vår GRATIS Express Farge Match Service  for å sikre en sømløs blanding hver gang. Chat med vårt vennlige ekspertteam som vil kontakte deg med en perfekt match på mindre enn 48 timer, eller bla gjennom vår Lookbook for de nyeste hårlookene brukt av Cliphair-samfunnet. Fra umiddelbar lengde til langvarig volum, Cliphair er din go-to for hår med eksepsjonell kvalitet og uendelige muligheter! 

Authored By Heather Collier
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