How to Grow Out Your Short Hair

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How To Grow Out Short Hair

Growing out short hair over 50 can sometimes feel impossible. Whether you’re struggling with hair growth or lacklustre texture, our expert guide is here to help! If you’re in need of some fresh ideas for shorter hairstyles, we've got you covered. With practical tips and styling suggestions, our guide to grow out short hair will make your transition from short to long hair both seamless and fashionable. Say goodbye to frustration and hello to a confident new look!


Kylie Jenner recently made headlines this week when she unveiled her short natural hair – just days before, her hair extensions were so long that they reached her waist. And just like the Jenner star, we all love to change their hairstyle from time to time. A new hairstyle can make you feel special and give you a new look for each season.

The drawback to changing your hairstyle is that when you want to grow it out you find yourself in that awkward growing out stage.

This stitage is not only difficult to manage; can make you feel frustrated with your hair as you battle to style it to perfection. This stage also lasts for quite a while, so here’s how to have you looking and feeling great while growing out your hair.

What Can I do With Short Hair While Growing it Out?

Growing out Your Short HairClip in hair extensions can really help get you get through this difficult period, by adding volume and length to your existing hair and giving you back a style that is easy to work with and looks fantastic. At Clip Hair, our human hair extensions are quick and easy to use so rather than struggle to style a growing out hair do, use your preferred choice of hair extensions to fast forward your hair and look.

Alternatively, you should go for tape in hair extensions if you have thin short hair for a seamless blend, or perhaps learn how to choose the right extensions for short hair from our blog.

Our real hair extensions are just like your own hair, they can be washed, dried and styled in the same way as you would your own, making them ideal for enhancing an existing look or changing it completely.

How long does it take to grow short hair out?

Hairstyles for Growing out Short Hair

On average, your hair grows .3 – .5 mm per day, or half an inch per month, although this differ from person to person. Depending on your current hair length, it takes about seven years to grow it to your waist, and three years to grow it to your shoulders.

Hairstyles for Growing out Short Hair

Taking just minutes to put in, clip in hair extensions are the perfect disguise and you can finally wave goodbye to months of hair frustration. Here are just a few of our favourite hairstyles for growing out your short hair.

1. All Over

Growing out Short Hair

For a straight-cut bob, just add one or two layers of hair extensions at the base of your head, underneath your top layer of hair. These can be all one length, or graduated, depending on the look you’re after. So, you’ve decided on you one-length bob, how are you going to style it? Go for an off-centre parting for an edgy but sultry look. You can even experiment with colour and try a colourful ombre or simply team you bob with any of the latest trends for a statement look. 

2. Just the Front

Growing Out Your Short Hair

For a super-choppy, interesting graduated bob, try popping your extensions in at the front only. This leaves your sharp back layers exposed and leaves you free to create loads of volume all over. You can even transform your look and go for an elegant fringe. The introduction of a fringe when you’re trying out such a short style makes all the difference – a sassy side fringe turns it sexy and cheeky, whereas a full fringe creates an innocent impression. A softly feathered fringe adds a softness to a very demure cut, making it easy to effortlessly grow out your short hair in style. 

3. Asymmetric

Growing out Short Hair

If you’ve been rocking a crop for a while, then chances are you’re the sort of lady who likes to look a little different – and this style is a head turner! Whilst your short back and sides grow out, whack some extensions in the top part of your hair, add a dramatic side fringe, and vamp it up! This style looks great with the short bits tucked behind your ear, and it eliminates the problem of awkward sides. If you go slightly longer at the front than at the back, it means that the cut will naturally frames your features and perfect if you have a round faced shape as it elongates your face. 

4. Curls


Turn your edgy look around by curling your short hair to instantly add a softness and girliness that can sometimes be difficult to achieve with a chin-length hairdo. Channel your inner Marilyn Monroe and tuck one side behind your ear to turn your bob into a picture of sophistication, or perhaps go for a soft, wavy fringe to keep your style sweet and easy-going. If your short hair has more of a rock chick vibe, add delicate and quite romantic waves at the front for a flirty but powerful look. 

Don’t be scared to take the chop – it’s always worth trying, and with the help of extensions, growing it out is a breeze so you can confidently snip your hair.


As you navigate the journey of growing out short hair, each stage is an opportunity to redefine your style. Whether you're working through the growing out short hair stages or searching for flattering hairstyles, the key is patience and creativity. For those growing out short hair over 50, this process can be both empowering and exciting. To make the transition easier, Cliphair’s high-quality extensions and collections are the perfect solution. They add length, volume, and versatility, helping you achieve your dream hair faster and with style. Ready to take the next step? Explore our 100% Remy human hair extensions and expert length guide and transform your hair journey today by experimenting with hairstyles for growing out short hair!

Vanlige spørsmål

Hvilke frisyrer er best for mellom hårlengder?

For mellom hårlengder fungerer allsidige frisyrer best for å håndtere de vanskelige fasene. Vurder å prøve lagdelte kutt, som legger til form og bevegelse, eller teksturerende stiler som får håret til å se fyldigere ut. Halvt oppe frisyrer, fletter og hestehaler er også gode alternativer for å hjelpe overgangen jevnt. Å legge til noen myke bølger eller krøller kan gi inntrykk av en mer sammenhengende lengde mens du venter på at håret skal vokse.

Hvordan tar jeg vare på håret mitt i utvekstfasen?

I oppvekstfasen er det viktig å fokusere på å opprettholde hårets helse og minimere skader. Regelmessige trimminger hjelper til med å håndtere flisete tupper og holde håret ditt på sitt beste. Bruk en nærende sjampo og balsam skreddersydd for din hårtype og vurder å inkludere en leave-in balsam eller hårmaske for ekstra fuktighet. Unngå overdreven varmestyling og tøffe kjemiske behandlinger, og velg brede kammer for å løse vått hår forsiktig.

Finnes det spesifikke produkter som fremmer sunn hårvekst?

Produkter som fremmer sunn hårvekst inneholder ofte ingredienser som biotin, keratin og essensielle vitaminer som vitamin E og B-kompleks. Hårvekstserum eller oljer med ingredienser som lakserolje eller peppermynteolje kan også stimulere hodebunnen og oppmuntre til vekst. I tillegg støtter et sunt kosthold rikt på proteiner, omega-3-fettsyrer og antioksidanter den generelle hårhelsen.

Hvordan kan jeg unngå vanlige feil når jeg vokser ut kort hår?

For å unngå vanlige feil når du vokser ut kort hår, motstå trangen til å skifte frisyre ofte, da det kan føre til ujevn vekst. Hold deg til vanlige trim for å opprettholde formen og forhindre flisete tupper. Bruk stylingprodukter som forbedrer tekstur og volum for å håndtere oppvekstfasene mer elegant. Vær også tålmodig og unngå å bruke sterke kjemikalier eller overdreven varme, som kan skade håret ditt og bremse vekstprosessen.

Ser du etter feilfritt, salongverdig hår uten å tømme lommeboken? Hos Cliphair har vi det du trenger med luksuriøse clip-in extensions for raske transformasjoner og permanente hårforlengelser som tape-ins, nano ringer og vever for langvarig glam. Forlengelser krever spesiell pleie og vedlikehold.
for å bevare kvaliteten deres, og derfor har vi alle de førsteklasses fuktighetsgivende hårpleieproduktene, essensielle tilbehør og vedlikeholdsproduktene du må ha for å holde stilen din på topp.

Trenger du den perfekte nyansen? Bla gjennom vårt komplette utvalg av menneskehår-extensions i over 70 rike, silkeaktige nyanser  eller sjekk ut vår GRATIS Express Farge Match Service  for å sikre en sømløs blanding hver gang. Chat med vårt vennlige ekspertteam som vil kontakte deg med en perfekt match på mindre enn 48 timer, eller bla gjennom vår Lookbook for de nyeste hårlookene brukt av Cliphair-samfunnet. Fra umiddelbar lengde til langvarig volum, Cliphair er din go-to for hår med eksepsjonell kvalitet og uendelige muligheter! 

Authored By Codelia Mantsebo
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