Clip In Hiustenpidennykset
Ultra-Volume Clip In Full Head Set (240-300G)
Type:Ultra-Volume Full HeadNormaalihinta Alkaen €233,95Alennushinta Alkaen €233,95Yksikköhinta / kohti -
Title: Double Wefted Full Head Remy Clip ihmisen hiustenpidennyksissä - Tummin ruskea (#2) Darkest Brown (#2)
Type:Kaksinkertainen kudelma täyspääNormaalihinta Alkaen €161,95Alennushinta Alkaen €161,95Yksikköhinta / kohti -
Title: Keskiruskea (nro 4) kaksinkertainen kudottu kokopään hiuspidennys Medium Brown (#4)
Type:Kaksinkertainen kudelma täyspääNormaalihinta Alkaen €161,95Alennushinta Alkaen €161,95Yksikköhinta / kohti -
Title: Täyspää Remy Clip ihmisen hiustenpidennyksissä - Ice Blonde Ice Blonde
Type:Täysi pääsarjaNormaalihinta Alkaen €120,95Alennushinta Alkaen €120,95Yksikköhinta / kohti -
Title: Double Wefted Full Head Remy Clip ihmisen hiustenpidennyksissä - Vaalein blondi (#60) Lightest Blonde (#60)
Type:Kaksinkertainen kudelma täyspääNormaalihinta Alkaen €173,95Alennushinta Alkaen €173,95Yksikköhinta / kohti -
Title: Tummin ruskea (nro 2) koko pään pidennykset Darkest Brown (#2)
Type:Täysi pääsarjaNormaalihinta Alkaen €107,95Alennushinta Alkaen €107,95Yksikköhinta / kohti -
Title: Jet Black (#1) Double Wefted Full Head Clip In Hiustenpidennykset Jet Black (#1)
Type:Kaksinkertainen kudelma täyspääNormaalihinta Alkaen €161,95Alennushinta Alkaen €161,95Yksikköhinta / kohti -
Title: Double Wefted Full Head Remy Clip ihmisen hiustenpidennyksissä - Ice Blonde Ice Blonde
Type:Kaksinkertainen kudelma täyspääNormaalihinta Alkaen €173,95Alennushinta Alkaen €173,95Yksikköhinta / kohti -
Title: Full Head Remy Clip ihmisen hiustenpidennyksissä – Biscuit Blondey (#18/613) Biscuit Blondey (#18/613)
Type:Täysi pääsarjaNormaalihinta Alkaen €107,95Alennushinta Alkaen €107,95Yksikköhinta / kohti -
Title: Tummanruskea (nro 3) koko pään pidennykset Dark Brown (#3)
Type:Täysi pääsarjaNormaalihinta Alkaen €107,95Alennushinta Alkaen €107,95Yksikköhinta / kohti -
Title: Keskiruskea (nro 4) kokopään pidennykset Medium Brown (#4)
Type:Täysi pääsarjaNormaalihinta Alkaen €107,95Alennushinta Alkaen €107,95Yksikköhinta / kohti -
Title: Double Wefted Full Head Remy Clip ihmisen hiustenpidennyksissä - Biscuit Blondey (#18/613) Biscuit Blondey (#18/613)
Type:Kaksinkertainen kudelma täyspääNormaalihinta Alkaen €167,95Alennushinta Alkaen €167,95Yksikköhinta / kohti -
Title: Tummanruskea (#3) Double Wefted Full Head Clip In Hiustenpidennykset Dark Brown (#3)
Type:Kaksinkertainen kudelma täyspääNormaalihinta Alkaen €161,95Alennushinta Alkaen €161,95Yksikköhinta / kohti -
Title: Natural Off/Black (#1B) Double Wefted Full Head Clip In hiustenpidennykset Natural Black (#1B)
Type:Kaksinkertainen kudelma täyspääNormaalihinta Alkaen €161,95Alennushinta Alkaen €161,95Yksikköhinta / kohti -
Title: Double Wefted Full Head Remy Clip ihmisen hiustenpidennyksissä - BlondeMe (#60/SS) BlondeMe (#60/SS)
Type:Kaksinkertainen kudelma täyspääNormaalihinta Alkaen €173,95Alennushinta Alkaen €173,95Yksikköhinta / kohti -
Supreme Quad Weft yksiosaiset kiinnikkeet (120G)
Type:Supreme Quad Weft PiecesNormaalihinta Alkaen €155,95Alennushinta Alkaen €155,95Yksikköhinta / kohti
Cliphairin klipsipidennykset voivat muuttaa hiuksesi vaivattomasti, lisäten pituutta ja volyymia. Valmistettu 100 % Remy-ihmishiuksesta, klipsipidennyksemme voidaan pestä ja muotoilla kuten omat hiuksesi. Lue lisää
Meillä on laaja valikoima klipsipidennyksiä, aina saumattomista täysistä seteistä kiharoihin klipsipidennyksiin, poninhäntiin ja otsatukkiin. Saatavilla pituuksina 14", 16”, 18”, 20”, 22”, 24" ja 26”, klipsipidennyksemme ovat saatavilla yli 40 sävyssä.
Saatavilla olevan ilmaisen toimitus- ja maksusuunnitelman avulla hanki ansaitsemasi hiukset jo tänään ja osta pidennysvalikoimastamme nyt.
Kaikkiin kysymyksiin, jotka sinun tarvitsee tietää ennen ostamista, voit tutustua klipsipidennysten UKK -osioon. Lue vähemmän
Lisää volyymia Remy Clip In -hiuspidennyksillämme
Haluatko runsaita, pitkiä hiuksia, jotka eivät maksa omaisuutta? Cliphair on yksi Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan parhaista edullisten, salonkitasoisten Remy Clip In -pidennysten toimittajista, jolla on yli kymmenen vuoden kokemus poikkeuksellisen korkealaatuisten tuotteiden tarjoamisesta tuhansille asiakkaille ympäri maailmaa. Lue lisää
Clip In -pidennykset on helppo kiinnittää ja ne voidaan täydellisesti sovittaa omaan hiukseen - lisäten korostuksia, tummennuksia tai ylimääräistä pituutta ja volyymia. Lue vähemmän
Clip In Real -hiuspidennykset, jotka sopivat kaikenpituisille hiuksille
Saatavana lyhyemmillä 16 tuuman ja 18 tuuman pituuksilla, keskipituisiin 20 ja 22 tuuman sarjoihin ja lopuksi pisimmät klipsit ylellisillä 24 ja 26 tuuman pituuksilla. Meillä on laadukkaat aidot ihmisen pidennykset, jotka sopivat kaiken pituisille ja -paksuisille hiuksille.
Saatavilla yli 60 Shades of Remy Clip In -laajennusta
Sisältäen parhaiten myydyt tummat sävyt Jet Black (#1) ja Natural Black (#1B), sekä Darkest Brown (#2) ja Chestnut Brown (#6) keskitummat sävyt. Blondiille meillä on upea Ice Blonde sävy, yhdessä kauniiden sekoitusten kuten Dark Ash Blonde Mix (#18/613) ja BlondeME (#60/SS) kanssa. Lue lisää
Meillä on jopa kauniita kaksivärisiä Balayage- ja Ombre-sävyjä, kuten Dark Expresso Melt ja Dark Brown sekä Hopeasävyt (#T2/SG). Kaikille tulisille punapäille meillä on Mahogany Red (#99J), Ginger/Natural Red ja monia muita punaisia sävyjä. Lue vähemmän
Full Head Clip In pidennyssarjat
Full Head Clip In Hair -sarjamme ovat moniosaisia klipsiä hiustenpidennyksiin, jotka koostuvat kahdeksasta erileveästä kuteesta ja yhteensä 18 valmiiksi kiinnitetystä silikonivuorauksesta. Kauniit täyspäiset hiuspidennykset varmistavat dramaattisemman muutoksen kuin yksiosainen; odota hiustesi näyttävän meheviltä, pidemmiltä ja paksummilta muutamassa minuutissa.
Clip In hiustenpidennykset tyypin mukaan
Keskipaksuille hiuksille
Kokeile myydyintä Double Wefted Full Head Clip In -hiussettiämme. Tämä setti sopii täydellisesti lisäämään lukojesi volyymia ja pituutta. Jokaisessa pidikkeessä on kaksi ylellistä kudetta, jotka on ommeltu yhteen kaksinkertaisen iskun saamiseksi samassa käyttöajassa.
Clip Ins sopii parhaiten niille, joilla on ohuet tai ohuet hiukset
Meidän Classic Full Head Clip In Hair Set -sarjamme on suunniteltu luomaan luonnollinen määrä paksuutta ja volyymia niille, jotka tarvitsevat lisäboostia. Jos etsit ultra-tyylikästä, Instagram-ystävällistä volyymia ja pituutta, niin Ultra-Volume Full Head Clip In Hair Set -sarjamme on sinua varten! Sopii vain keskipaksuille ja paksuille hiuksille, tämä sarja on Cliphairin paksuin valikoima koskaan. Lue lisää
Antamalla sinulle enemmän hiuksia, enemmän paksuutta ja enemmän volyymia, voit vaivattomasti nostaa ilmeesi minuuteissa. Tai osta erittäin huomaamattomat Double Drawn Seamless Clip In Hair Extensions, verrattuna muihin hiuslisäkevaihtoehtoihin, silikonikerros on paljon kevyempi ja antaa sinulle erinomaista mukavuutta käyttäessäsi niitä itsevarmasti. Lue vähemmän
Lisää kerroksia Curly & Wavy Clip In -hiuspidennyksillämme
Cliphair tarjoaa laajan valikoiman kiharaisia ja aaltoilevia ihmishiuspidennyksiä eri pituuksissa, jotka sulautuvat saumattomasti omaan hiukseen. Pituudet vaihtelevat 14”- 26” ja painot 115-160g, saatavilla useita sävyjä ja värejä sekä luonnollisissa kiharoissa että tiukemmissa syvissä aaltoilutyyleissä.
Valmis omaksumaan vaivattoman tyylin? Cliphairin oppaan avulla olet varustettu tiedolla, joka nostaa ilmeesi vaivattomasti. Tutustu valikoimaamme hiustarvikkeita ja muotoilutyökaluja, jotka täydentävät uusia muotoilutaitojasi. Olitpa menossa töihin tai illanviettoon, tee tyylikäs lausunto vaivattomasti. Osta kokoelmaamme nyt ja löydä loputtomat mahdollisuudet nostaa hiustyylisi tasoa Cliphairin kanssa.
What are the best clip-in hair extensions available?
The best clip-in hair extensions available are those that combine high-quality materials, durability, and a natural look. Our clip in extensions are made from 100% Remy human hair, which blends seamlessly with your own hair and allows for styling versatility, making them some of the best clip-in hair extensions on the market.
Are there affordable options for clip-in hair extensions?
If you're looking for affordable options, our clip in hair extensions are perfect for those on a budget but still want to enhance their hair volume and length without compromising too much on appearance, including our one piece top up or classic full head extensions.
Where can I find clip-in hair extensions near me?
If you want to search locally for hair extensions, you can find our full hair extension range by simply searching “clip in hair extensions near me”. Whether you’re based in London, Manchester, or beyond, Cliphair allows you to source hair extensions quickly and easily and have them arrive at your door in as little as 24 hours when you select Next Day Delivery at checkout. Our speedy delivery services even offer shipment on weekends anywhere in the UK, including Sundays and Mondays! We also ship worldwide and can have your order with you in as little as 2-4 days.
What are the benefits of human hair clip-in extensions?
Our Remy human hair clip in extensions offer numerous benefits, including a natural appearance, heat styling compatibility, and longevity. Unlike synthetic options, human hair clip in extensions can be dyed, curled, cut and styled with heat, giving you the freedom to customise them just like your natural hair, lasting up to 4 times as long as synthetic hair extensions.
Do you offer 10-inch clip-in hair extensions?
No, we currently do not offer 10 inch clip in hair extensions. Our shortest length of hair extension is 12 inches, while our longest length of hair extensions is 26 inches. However, as our hair is human, it can be styled and cut to any length you need, such as 10 inches or shorter. If you’re in need of some guidance on choosing your length, you can explore our Ultimate Length Guide and Length Guide Video which shows a real-life comparison of lengths from 16-26 inches. Alternatively, please contact our friendly team of experts for advice on hair shorter than 16 inches and we will help match you with the right length based on your hair type, personal preferences and lifestyle.
Read More FAQs
How do I choose the best clip-in hair extensions for my hair type?
Selecting the right clip-in hair extensions starts with understanding your own hair type and the look you want to achieve. If you have straight hair, opt for our classic range of Clip In Extensions to blend seamlessly. Our Curly Hair Extensions collection feature a tight, ringlet style curl pattern perfect for very curly hair types and textures. You’ll also need to pay attention to the density of the extensions. Thicker wefts work well for coarse or voluminous hair, while lightweight extensions suit finer hair types. Always match the extensions’ colour to your own for a natural look or consider multi-dimensional shades like balayages or highlights for added depth. If you’re unsure, our free, express Colour Matching Service can guide you to the perfect choice.
How long do clip-in hair extensions last?
With proper care, our high-quality clip-in hair extensions can last anywhere from 6 months to a year or more. The longevity depends on the type of extensions you choose, as human hair extensions typically outlast synthetic ones. Regular cleaning, gentle detangling, and appropriate storage are key to preserving the integrity of the hair. Investing in high-grade extensions may cost more upfront, but they often have a longer lifespan and maintain their natural look over time, making our clip in extensions a worthwhile choice for frequent use.
Can I style my clip-in extensions with heat tools?
Yes, you can style clip in extensions with heat tools, provided they are made from 100% Remy human hair. Our extensions can be curled, straightened, or waved just like your natural hair, offering you incredible styling flexibility. However, it’s important to apply a generous amount of our Heat Protection Spray beforehand and to keep the temperature settings low to medium at around 180 degrees Celsius to prevent damage. Synthetic extensions, on the other hand, are generally not heat-friendly and may melt or lose their shape when exposed to high temperatures. Always check the product specifications before using heat tools to ensure the best results.
What is the difference between one-piece and full-head clip-in hair extensions?
One-piece clip-in hair extensions consist of a single, wide weft designed to add instant volume, making them ideal for quick and easy styling. Full-head clip-in sets, however, include multiple wefts of varying sizes that cover your entire head, offering a more cohesive and natural look which is best for adding length. While one-piece extensions are great for beginners or those short on time, full-head sets provide greater versatility and coverage, making them the go-to choice for creating dramatic transformations.
How do I care for my clip-in hair extensions?
To ensure your clip in hair extensions stay in the best possible conditioner, it’s vital that you care for them correctly. Caring for clip ins effectively is all about using the right haircare products and tools that are safe for hair extensions, all of which you can find here at Cliphair. For more information, you can browse our Ultimate Care Guide for hair extensions where you can find everything you need to know regarding not only caring for clip in extensions, but permanent hair extensions to.
Are these clip-in extensions suitable for thin hair?
Yes, most of our clip in extensions are a fantastic option for thin hair, especially if you’re looking to add volume and fullness. Our lightweight, seamless extensions and won’t weigh your hair down or feel bulky on your scalp. Their silicone-lined clips provide extra grip, ensuring they stay in place without pulling on delicate strands. You can also strategically place the extensions to avoid areas where your hair is sparse, creating a fuller look while maintaining a natural appearance. Our Ultra-volume full head and Supreme Quad weft are best suited to thicker hair types as they are slightly heavier than our lightweight options.
Can I wear clip-in extensions every day?
Yes, you can wear clip in extensions every day, however it is recommended not to. We advise that you take regular breaks from wearing clip in hair extensions to maintain and protect not only your extensions, but your natural hair too. The ideal amount of wear is 2-4 times per week for average hair types, for thinning or damaged hair 1-2 times per week is best. Remember to always remove clip in hair extensions before sleeping, showering and swimming!
Do clip-in extensions damage natural hair?
Clip in hair extensions are one of the least damaging types of hair extensions when used correctly. The key is to apply and remove them gently and choose the correct weight for your hair. Avoid clipping them in the same spot repeatedly, as this can strain your hair over time. By securing the clips to thicker sections of hair and avoiding areas near the roots or fragile edges, you can enjoy the benefits of clip-ins without compromising your hair’s health.
Are your extensions ethically sourced?
Yes, we ethically source the purest human hair where hair is voluntarily donated, and we work closely with our hair processing factory to ensure adherence to strict and fair ethical principles. We visit our suppliers and factories regularly, meaning we know exactly where our human hair extensions have come from and how they have been processed. All of our hair extensions go through a rigorous quality control check before leaving the factories by renowned quality control experts SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Our extensions then go through a secondary quality check when they arrive with us in the UK. We actively go beyond the norm so we can deliver 100% human hair that is 100% ethically sourced. You can read our full story and pledge to the environment here.
How do I find my perfect shade of clip-in extensions?
Finding your perfect shade of clip-in extensions is simple with our Colour Matching Service, where our experts help identify the best match based on photos you provide. Alternatively, you can purchase our affordable, high quality Hair Sample for precise matching to ensure seamless blending with your natural hair. If you need extra assistance, our friendly team of professionals is always available to provide personalised advice and support.
Do you offer clip-in extensions for short hair?
Yes, we offer clip in extensions for short hair. Clip ins are a great way to transform short hair into longer, fuller locks. Our current shortest hair extension length is 12 inches. Even if your hair is as short as a bob, you can achieve a stunning transformation with the right application techniques, cut, style and products.
How do I install clip-in hair extensions by myself?
Installing clip-in hair extensions by yourself is easy and manageable with a little practice. Start by sectioning your hair horizontally with our Pintail Comb, clipping the top part out of the way. Open the clips on the extensions and securely attach them close to your scalp, starting from the bottom and working upward. Make sure to blend the extensions with your natural hair by gently brushing with our Detangling Brush or styling as needed. Our tutorials and video guides offer step-by-step instructions to help you master this technique effortlessly.
Can I dye my clip-in hair extensions?
Yes, you can dye your clip in hair extensions, but we advise to not bleach or lighten them as they have already been through a rigorous lightening process and further dying may lead to unnecessary damage to your extensions. For the best results, make sure to find an accurate shade match with your natural hair. If your hair is a vibrant dyed colour like red or blue, you can match your shade with our Funky Shades collection. Alternatively, seek advice from our customer service team or from a trained hair colourist.
What lengths are available for clip-in extensions?
We stock clip-in hair extensions in 14 different lengths, ranging from 12 inches for a subtle enhancement to 26 inches for dramatic, long locks. This wide variety ensures you’ll find the perfect length to suit your style and preferences. To make the selection process easier, our Ultimate Length Guide and accompanying video provide detailed insights into how different lengths will look and feel, helping you make an informed decision.
How do I add volume with clip-in extensions?
Adding volume with clip-in extensions is straightforward and delivers stunning results. Our Ultra Volume Clip-Ins are specially designed to provide maximum thickness and fullness, perfect for creating a voluminous and glamorous look. For finer hair types looking to only add volume and thickness, opt for the Seamless full head or Classic full head in a length that matches your own hair.
What payment options are available for purchasing clip-in hair extensions?
We offer a range of payment options to suit your needs, including credit and debit cards, online payment platforms, and flexible installment plans with Klarna where available. This allows you to choose the method that works best for you, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free shopping experience. Check out our offers page to keep up to date with sales and discounts.